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Women’s History Month: 20 Sex(uality) Pros Doing the Damn Thing

Well last week we wrapped up Black History Month and usually by the first week of March a lot of people like to pack up their Black power pictures, quotes, and messages and put them back in the drawer until next year. But for me, Black History Month is all year round and I like to recognize and celebrate Black folk all the time. Especially those whose mission is to educate and empower others about sex and sexual health.  And in the world today, it is imperative now, more than ever, to talk about sexuality.

The fact is that the field of sexuality was built off the backs of Black folk generally, and off the backs of Black women, specifically. So I wanted to dedicate a blog post to a few Black women (and women of color) whose work revolves around sexuality and are doing the damn thing. What better timing, than Women's History Month. Now this list does have some non-binary folks too, and below you will find their names,  pronouns, and a little bit of information about them. 

So, let's get started!

Dr. Donna Oriowo

So y'all already know about me, but of course, I’m going to highlight myself. Why? Because I’ve noticed that a lot of Black women don't actually highlight or give themselves recognition. So let me, highlight me. For those who don’t know, I’m Dr. Donna Oriowo and I do the damn thing. I speak on colorism, texturism, and how it impacts mental and sexual health. This is the work that I do, it’s the work that I feel I have been called to. My pronouns are she/her, they/them, and on occasion him. 

You can find me at:  
Cocoa Butter and Hair Grease

Erica Hart

Erica describes herself as a kinky, poly, cancer-warrior, activist and sexuality educator. She talks about Blackness and brings visibility to chronic illness narratives among those in the medical space, and makes sure that queer, trans Black, brown and femme voices aren’t lost.


Tracie Q. Gilbert

Tracie teaches Black people from all walks of life how to claim (and, in some cases, re-claim) sexual wellness as a community right. Through workshops and conversations she is helping Black folk have productive talks about sex and sexuality.


Cindy Lee Alvez

Cindy has been passionate about sex and sexuality since junior high and has made it her mission to use that passion to educate and empower the world. Whether it’s large groups or one-on-one sessions, she provides inclusive sexuality education, empowerment workshops, and consulting, as well as coaching for budding sexuality professionals. 


Bianca Laureano
Pronouns: She/her

Bianca is a Foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network and hosts She focuses on Sexual Attitudes Reassessment (SAR) centering on communities of color and justice frameworks, embracing failure, and ways to stay connected to erotic power while grieving / in mourning. Website:

Tanya Bass

Tanya Bass aka the Southern Sexologist is on a mission to spread sex positive messages in collaboraion with community-based organizations, churches, academic institutions, and state conferences. Tanya is currently the lead instructor of Human Sexuality at North Carolina Central University

Chanel Jaali
: She/her

Chanel Jaali is a mental health professional, sexual educator and founder of Jaali Co, a company that focuses on sex education through pleasure, education, and research. She also provides pleasure based, comprehensive sex education for adults.  


Ashleigh Chubby Bunny
Pronouns: She/Her

Ashleigh is an intersectional feminist who is known for embracing her sexuality and size and encouraging others to do the same. She is also known for Centerfold: A Fat Femme Lingerie Party. She encourages and empowers women of all sizes to doll up in their sexiest lingerie for a night of fun.


Goody Howard

Goody Howard is an intimacy consultant, sexuality educator and HIV activist!  She’s been an adult industry insider for over 10 years and she informs, educates and empowers her clients with the knowledge that sexual pleasure IS sexual health. I love her YouTube videos, and y’all should check them out!


Dalychia & Raefaella Fiallo
Pronouns: She/Her

I listed these two amazing women together because they are the creators of Afrosexology. They are on a mission to educate, explore, and reclaim Black sexuality. Their vision is to promote Black self empowerment through sexual liberation. They also make some bomb apparel, and they are the creators of the “Masturbate & Meditate” t-shirt you see me in on my IG videos.


Sonalee Rashatwar
: She/They

Sonalee is known as the Fat Sex Therapist and is a queer bisexual non-binary therapist and co-owner of Radical Therapy Center. They specializes in treating sexual trauma, body image issues, racial or immigrant identity issues, and South Asian family systems, while offering fat and body positive sexual healthcare.


Melissa Carnagey
Pronouns: They/She

Melissa is a licensed social worker, sexuality educator, and founder of Sex Positive Families, which provides parents with the education, resources, and support to raise sexually healthy children. Y’all know I’m all about educating the youngins’ so I really appreciate their mission and message. 


Brittany Broaddus-Smith
Pronouns: she/her

Brittany Broaddus-Smith is the founder of The Intimacy Firm, an intimacy coaching and sex(uality) education organization. She is also the creator of Sex and Relationships Game Night, Daring Discussions, and other comprehensive sex education, coaching, and trainings to help people discover, embrace, and navigate the world of sex(uality) in a way that doesn’t compromise their personal or professional values.


Shadeen Francis
Pronouns: she/her

Shadeen Francis, LMFT is a marriage and family therapist, professor, and author that specializes in sex therapy and social justice. Her mission is to help you live in peace and pleasure. Shadeen is constantly hosting and participating in conferences that help start a conversation around sexuality, relationships and activism.


Dr. Zelaika Hepworth Clarke
Pronouns: Dr | Zie/Zir | They/Them

Dr. Hepworth Clarke aka The Jamerican Sexosopher specializes in human sexualities, gender and relational diversity, clinical and cultural sexology, sexosophy, sexecology, African-centered social work, anti-racist sexuality education and much more! They also co-founded a sexuality studies concentration program that is committed to social justice at Goddard College in Vermont.


Dr. Lexx Brown

Dr. Lexx Brown is  licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and sex educator and creator of The Institute. The Institute's mission to deliver sex positive, comprehensive, gender expansive, adipositive, culturally diverse, queer and trans inclusive,  medically accurate, shame free sex education.


Marla Renee Stewert

Marla is a professional sex, intimacy and relationship coach, sexologist, and sex educator. She owns  Velvet Lips, which is a sexual education company, created to empower people of all ages to embrace, educate and enjoy their sexuality and their sexual lives.Oh and did I mention she is also the Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference and the Sexual Liberation Collective? She is out here killin it! 


And of course I cannot end this list without shouting out and highlighting Black Girl Manifest, who was the inspiration for this blog post. 

Black Girl Manifest

was created by Brittany Davis and Anika Perry in 2019 after deciding that they wanted help to make sure Black women are heard. Through their podcast they highlight important stories for Black women and have created a platform where Black women can be themselves, have someone listen, & get a sense of self therapy. And I love it!!


Well there you have it, 20 amazing  women of color and non-binary folk who are making history in the sexual health field. For those of you wondering why I gave you options/resources outside of myself to seek therapy or any kind of help, it’s because this is for personhood and not competition. I do not see them as competitors that I need to keep hidden from you, I see them as another resource for you to get what you need to live your best life - which is the true reason we all do what we do. 

*Updated on 5.16.2020 to correct Dr. Zelaika’s pronouns. They identify as a non-binary demi-femme