Photo by Ogo from Pexels

Photo by Ogo from Pexels


Say it with your mouth, prove it with your feet.

Thank you for looking into how you can financially support clients who are seeking or are in therapy with an AnnodRight clinician. AnnodRight is a Black woman owned practice in service of mostly Black women who seek our services. What you do here can help to further the efforts we are taking to make therapy accessible to the maximum amount of people.

100% of what is donated goes to a client fund where all clients are able to draw from it according to their financial need. We currently pay up to half of the therapeutic services, cost for about 10 sessions, but with your help it could be more, especially if you choose to do a recurring donation.

Please note: donations are NOT tax deductible as this is not a 501(c)3 organization. But don’t let how you won’t benefit stop you from giving. After all, a tax benefit is not why you are here.