Posts in Mental Health
AnnodRight Offerings: The Secret is Out, You're the Connection

My products connect because of YOU!  You are the common denominator, you are the one that goes through your life in your body, you're the one who makes or doesn't make your goals, and you're the one who teaches or doesn't teach your offspring, nephews, or nieces about sex. Each of my offerings help you to live your most free and authentic life in every area, as a sexual being, as a woman, and as a parent!

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Black Hair and Mental Health: A Tale of Texturism

I’m proud that we have begun embracing our natural hair and society is beginning to respond positively, but we as Black women still have work to do, because texturism is STILL a problem. There are still some things we need to work on within our own communities before being able to truly combat texturism in society.

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Intergenerational Self Esteem

Often when we think of self-esteem, we think it happens on an personal level and that nothing interferes with it. Believe it or not, self-esteem is a concept that must be taught and is taught unintentionally and intentionally. The unintentional teaching of self-esteem usually teaches us how to have the lowest self-esteem possible. As a teen, this is happening on a variety of levels in every environment they enter.

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Minding Your Business: The Therapeutic Benefits


For those who are not necessarily “in the know” the phrase Mind Your Business, is a verb, in which the person who has been told is expected to respect someone else’s private matters by refraining from being meddlesome, dropping their 2 cents (thought, opinions, or suggestions). This includes but is not limited to minding your own based on someone's appearance, attitude, situation(s), or other occurrences as defined by the giver of the statement either verbally, through text, or through body language (which includes but is not limited to putting up one hand in your direction, rolling their eyes, or turning away).

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